Let’s dive deep into the topic called ’ Family’. It is defined as a group of 2 or more people who are related by birth, marriage or adoption and live together. That’s the ideal version of the word and has been considered as something that defines our core identities. Have you observed any changes in how we perceive ‘families’ today? Isn’t there a shift, about who we consider our close ones and who we consider important ?
In the past, the social status of any family was measured, when they were included at family celebrations, festivals or even religious rituals. This was considered to be ‘inclusive’ and helped individuals to stay rooted to their core values and beliefs, families and identities.
Now, this definition of family structure has taken a complete U turn where migration, relocation for work purposes or choosing to study, away from family is normal. Shifting to another location, striving hard to adapt to that new location and also learning to thrive through challenges is undoubtedly an uphill task. Is this one of the few reasons why we notice a shift in the family dynamic?
In this new setting, individuals are more vulnerable and open with their friends and colleagues rather than sharing and maintaining ties with relatives. The physical distance from family has now been transformed to mental distancing, too. The fear of missing out looms large, triggering a trend to stay connected with this ‘newly acquired family’ and not losing out on their recently developed and nourished friendships. Would these new relations that may be based on academics or work, continue forever? Will there be a sense of compassion and acceptance that was found in blood relatives ultimately find apt replacements? Whether we come closer to our blood ones or move further away from them because of being uprooted, only time will tell!
Relationship: April 1 2024
Relations are the bridge to our social existence and personal life. Having healthy relationships with others enhances the quality of our lives and has also been instrumental in maintaining a healthy and stable society. We stress much about keeping an equilibrium with friends and family and may even feel burnt out trying to manage some tricky situations. We also make sure that others are happy despite our will. This is indeed a tough job to do on a regular basis.
But what about our relationship with our own ‘self’? Many have highlighted the fact that the key to maintaining a balanced life is found within. If our relation with our ‘self ‘is in sync with our nature and desires then it would spell wonders. However, our tendencies are to highlight the inadequacies or limitations thus sabotaging our mental, physical and emotional health. These continuous distractions and discouraging thoughts play havoc in our minds coupled with other people’s expectations of us causing complete chaos.
There are a few questions to ask ourselves:
Can I do something to change the past? Or can I positively influence my future? If the answer is affirmative then take action. If in the negative, then make peace and let it go. Happiness lies in being in the present moment. All you have is NOW. Make the most of it and enjoy every moment of life.
Meditation allows you to focus on the breath which is the art of being present. Do consider registering for a bespoke meditation workshop at Catharsis. These workshops are designed specifically to address the needs of individuals attending it.
Relationship: May 1 2024
Stories are a means of passing down cultural information, traditions, and values from one generation to the next. It plays a significant role in shaping the culture and society by shared knowledge, experience and also creating a strong sense of camaraderie.
Since India is a diverse country with different cultures, there was a wide and complex range of tales which explored the diversity of different ethnic groups fuelling the imagination of children and adults and had a powerful influence on keeping people united and connected.
In the good old days, grandparents or elders narrated stories as they were also considered to be the treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom.
Traditions, culture and rituals, tales of warriors or even current events and stories from the land formed the basis of most anecdotes.Stories can also bridge the gaps of relationships with concepts of life, insights and help foster true connections with our families and the community as a whole.
Right now many individuals feel disconnected, fearful, alone or uncertain. Some really good medicine for the heart and mind can be found in stories and storytelling. The core of the fact remains that as humans, no matter the age, we find joy in listening to one.
Can stories help us to understand each other with more empathy and compassion and stay connected? Don’t you agree that stories can bring about a change in our society? Don’t we need to bond over different stories to bridge the fault lines in relationships?